Tax issues come in a variety of forms and sizes. You could be facing issues with your state taxes, your federal taxes, or even sales taxes. Since the IRS continues to enhance its tax enforcement methods, tax issues can lead to serious problems and penalties.
If you've received a letter from the IRS or a state revenue agency stating that your company will be audited, the first step is to seek expert assistance.
If you've been threatened with garnishing wages, you'll be able to come up with a solution before it's too late.
While tax issues may appear to be an end-of-the-world scenario, they do not necessarily have to be as difficult as you imagine. If you're facing an audit, or you know you have to pay penalties follow these steps:
Make sure you pay the exact amount: While it might seem like the most efficient option to simply pay exactly the amount stated on your tax form; however, we suggest holding off until the moment until you speak to an accountant who is a professional. Tax notices can show inaccurate figures.
We'd love to meet and discuss the tax implications of your situation as well as ways you can ensure your income as much as possible - legally, responsibly, and ethically.
If you'd like assistance in navigating the confusing tax issues post-coronavirus, do not hesitate to reach us as soon as you can.
We'll handle all your tax and accounting needs, so you can focus on your business.
45922 Higginson Rd, #C, Chilliwack, BC V2R 2C7